California City Encinitas bans gas blowerss: Cudad California Encinitas will ban gas leaf blowers Encinitas is the last city in San Diego County to implement a gas leaf blower ban.

As of Friday, all businesses and commercial operators are banned from using gas blowers, and residents must stop using them by mid-January.

Encinitas officials say the use of electric blowers will make the city quieter and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But Brian Bishop, owner of the Bishop's Tree Service, says the ordinance is exaggerated.

California City Encinitas bans gas blowers

"Is it irritating? People abuse them? Yes, they absolutely do. Do I know people who exploit their property every day? Yes," said Bishop, who operates in Encinitas. "But anyone in the trade uses it for as little time as possible."

While city officials are touting electric blowers as a viable alternative, Bishop says the costs are prohibitive for him and others in the landscape business.

"The thinking on electric blowers is very limited," Bishop said. "I have one? Yes, a small one for small things, but to blow that kind of air, this one (gas-powered) is a $ 700 blower. The (electric) equivalent will cost you $ 2,200 with two batteries."

He added that lithium-ion batteries in electric blowers have their own environmental cost. "You're carrying a new toxin," he said.

Bishop expressed his objections at an August meeting in Encinitas City Council when the council unanimously approved the ban.

"I ask all the new blowers that are coming to the market, the drums," he said during a public comment.

Despite the ban, Bishop said he has no plans to get rid of his gas blowers in the short term.

"No, absolutely not, they are functional tools," he said. "Maybe I'll try one of the others? Maybe, if absolutely necessary, but I don't like the idea of ​​lithium-ion batteries."

Encinitas has a rebate program to help businesses and residents stay away from gas blowers. Authorities said nearly 80 people received discounts.

Those who break the law risk being fined $ 100 for the first offense, $ 200 for the second and $ 1000 for additional offenses.
Boeing (NYSE: BA) obtains neutral rating from Credit Suisse Group

Credit Suisse Group reaffirmed their neutral rating on shares of Boeing (NYSE: BA) in a report released on Tuesday, 24/7 Wall Street reports. Credit Suisse Group currently has a $ 322.75 target price on the aircraft maker’s shares, down from its previous target price of $ 327.00.

Other equities analysts also recently issued reports on the stock. Barclays reaffirmed an equal weight rating and set a $ 353.00 price objective (down from $ 367.00) on shares of Boeing in a report on Monday, November 4th. Berenberg Bank reiterated a buy rating and set a $ 410.00 target price on shares of Boeing in a research report on Wednesday, October 30th. ValuEngine boosted shares of Boeing from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research note on Friday, October 25th. Morgan Stanley lowered their target price on Boeing shares from $ 500.00 to $ 450.00 and set an overweight rating for the company in a research report on Thursday, October 24th. Finally, Robert W. Baird cut their target price on Boeing shares from $ 342.00 to $ 322.00 and set a neutral rating for the company in a research note on Tuesday. Three analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, ten have assigned a hold rating and 12 have assigned a buy rating to the stock. Boeing has an average rating of Hold and an average target price of $ 372.87.

BA opened at $ 333.50 on Tuesday. The stock has a 50-day simple moving average of $ 355.54 and its 200-day simple moving average is $ 357.65. The company has a current index of 1.11, a rapid index of 0.31 and a debt-to-equity index of 48.98. The stock has a market capitalization of $ 192.29 billion, a PE ratio of 20.83, a P / E / G ratio of 39.67 and a beta of 1.24. Boeing has a 1 year low of $ 292.47 and a 1 year high of $ 446.01.

Boeing (NYSE: BA) last issued its earnings results on Wednesday, October 23. The aircraft maker reported $ 1.45 EPS for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $ 2.04 by ($ 0.59). The company had revenue of $ 1998 billion during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $ 20 billion. Boeing had a negative return on equity of 367.68% and a net margin of 4.37%. Company revenue for the quarter was down 20.5% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same period last year, the business earned $ 3.58 earnings per share. Equities research analysts forecast that Boeing will record 1.05 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

The company also recently revealed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, March 6th. Shareholders of record on Friday, February 14th will be paid a dividend of $ 2,055 per share. The ex-dividend date for this dividend is Thursday, February 13th. This represents $ 8.22