How to make a budget for holidays and get a dynamic of savings - Budget holiday dynamic savings 2021 tutorial guide - Saving at all times of the year is essential so that financial planning does not go to waste at any time.

One of the times when spending is most uncontrolled is in summer. It is the time of the year when there are more excesses and when financial health may be more at stake. Hence the importance of always having a good saving habit such as making automatic transfers and not spending more than what is entered.

Following this thread, it is especially important to have a good budget for holidays. By adjusting to normal parameters, you can avoid financial losses or problems. It is important to follow a good strategy with your money and there are some key aspects to keep in mind.

Summer can be for many people a season full of expenses. Even more so after the long pandemic that has been going through since 2020. This year can be particularly delicate in financial terms for many people, although for others it will be a good time to contain expenses in anticipation of what may happen in the fall.

The efforts that an average family has to make to plan their summer vacation is very important. Without proper planning and a balanced family budget, the holiday period can be a torment.

To try to mitigate the effects, there are some recommendations you can keep in mind.

Budget holiday dynamic savings 2021 tutorial guide

The first point you have to keep in mind when making your holiday budget is related to transport. If you plan to travel to your summer destination by car, plane, boat or train, you will have to find out or estimate how much the cost of that trip you have planned.

Airline tickets are usually more expensive on weekends and cheaper on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. These are aspects that you should take into account when booking your holidays.

Meanwhile, if you travel by car, the best thing you can do before leaving is to look at which gas stations are on the way and see which are the cheapest to refuel. Planning your stops can help you save significant amounts, believe it or not.

Budget holiday dynamic savings 2021 tutorial guide

It is also the best way to save money is to buy the ticket in advance. If you buy the ticket 15 days in advance you can benefit from important discounts. If you take the opportunity to catch the round trip, you will also have price reductions.

Also, it is equally important to save costs accommodation to budget for summer costs. Hotels tend to have higher prices during weekends, as their demand is higher. In this sense, if you want to save money you will have to consult all the conditions and services of the hotel.

A very interesting possibility is to get a hotel room at a good price is to call the hotel directly and ask if any additional discount applies. Many times in hotel search engines do not come out these offers.

Budget holiday dynamic savings 2021 tutorial guide

On the other hand, budgeting food expenses, approximately, is key to maintaining adequate personal finances during the holiday period. This is because it is one of the most expensive items when creating a budget for holidays.

Here it is advisable to include snacks that you take throughout the day, drinks and a long etcetera.

It is advisable to avoid eating at the hotel or in places located near tourist attractions, because they are usually much less economical. The more the budget is adjusted, the better it will be for the rest of the year.

Budget holiday dynamic savings 2021 tutorial guide: To all this, we must add the importance of leisure and small expenses. Unless you have chosen an “all-inclusive " vacation package, the activities and excursions you do during your vacation will have to be paid for and should be included in your budget. Even with the "all inclusive" you may have to pay for some activities.

Thus, many times one thinks of the “ant expenses” of the holidays and for that reason it is not included in the budget for the summer holidays.

An example would be the rental fees of a car, supplements for making use of extra towels (some hotels charge it), taxes of entry or exit to a country, etc. With a little planning you can narrow the fence to these costs.

Finally, as in your personal finances, having an emergency fund for your vacation is vital. This can be used to include the price of insurance, medicines, car repairs or any expenses that may arise unexpectedly. To do this you must separate a part of your budget. It is recommended that you target between 15% -20%.

Budget holiday dynamic savings 2021 tutorial guide

Trabajos entregados con el mejor precio y máxima calidad: Servicios Pintores Barcelona

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The offer of flats for rent of a room grows by 79% while prices fall by 9.5%

The coronavirus crisis has also revolutionized the apartment rental sector. In the first quarter of 2021, supply grew by 53% over the same period last year. The increase greatly affected the supply of one-room apartments for rent, which increased by 79% over the number of one-room apartments for rent in the first quarter of 2020. The data is extracted from a report published in

As for the 2-bedroom apartments, the offer is 51% higher than in the first three months of 2020, in the 3-bedroom apartments it has increased by 45%, and, in the 4-bedroom apartments, by 38%. In contrast, the offer of houses for rent has been reduced by 12%. The reason, says Fernando Acuña, author of the report, is that there has been a boom in the search for this type of housing after confinement.

Prices have also varied, due to the sharp increase in supply and the fall in demand. Overall, they report, the cost of single-family homes fell by 5% over the past year. Again, smaller flats top the ranking, with an average drop in rental prices of 9.5%. For example, renting a one-bedroom apartment in Barcelona is now 10.5% cheaper than a year ago. 8% marks the decrease in prices in Madrid. Compared to houses for rent, it is 7% higher on average.

After 4 consecutive years of increases in the price of renting apartments, Acuña notes, before COVID-19 a slowdown began. Currently, the average price is 886 euros per month, while that of the houses has gone to 1,823 euros. According to the report creator, apartment prices are expected to continue to fall.

Of the total housing that is currently available in the residential market, stand out in the Brainsre studio, 19% are flats for rent. Of these, 80% are in the hands of real estate agents (APIs) and only 20% are marketed by private owners.

Likewise, the time it takes to rent an apartment is changing. In early 2020, they stress, it took landlords about 1.8 months to find a tenant. Now, the average is 2.7 months. In the houses it rises up to 3.3 months. One-room flats are the fastest to rent (2.5 months) and 4-room houses take the longest (3.6 months).

Disfrutar del paisaje de la Costa Brava, caminando por encima del agua: Via Ferrata Cala Moli

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