Brasil PIS PASEP begins 2020 calendar; know when to receive - Attention workers, the payment of the PIS / PASEP salary allowance for the 2019/2020 calendar has started. The first group was contemplated last Thursday (16) and the calendar will be understood until the month of June. The order is being defined according to the final digit on the card, and the month of birth.

According to Caixa Econômica Federal, the institution responsible for the release of PIS, the values ​​are varying between R $ 87 to R $ 1,039, depending on the number of days worked during the base year 2018.

Those who are linked to the bank, received the benefit through automatic deposit, however those who have no connection will need to go to a unit to withdraw.

PIS is received at a Caixa Econômica branch, and PASEP at Banco do Brasil and terminals linked to the network.

According to Caixa, this annual payment will cover more than 3.6 million workers born in January and February, totaling R $ 2.6 billion injected into the national economy.

Brasil PIS PASEP begins 2020 calendar

Who has the right

To be able to receive PIS / Pasep, the worker must have a maximum income of up to two minimum wages and also present a working time, with a formal contract, for 30 days in 2018.

In addition, PIS / Pasep must be registered for at least five years and keep the data updated by the contracting company in the Annual Social Information List (Rais), base year 2018.

In order to withdraw, you must have your Citizen Card in hand and have your password registered. The amount can be withdrawn at any unit of banking institutions within their opening hours.

Those who are in doubt as to whether or not they have a right or income in the benefit, can consult by calling 0800-726-02-07 from Caixa.

In addition, it is also possible to have access to information through the website Just select the Consult Payment tab, enter the NIS number (PIS / Pasep) and the data will be released.

In the case of public servants receiving Pasep, it is necessary to check whether the deposit was made in their accounts. The consultation can also be virtual on the BB website.

If the amount has not been credited, it will be necessary to go to a Banco do Brasil branch to review the situation. To do this, simply present the personal documentation. The contact for more information about Pasep is 0800-729 00 01.

Did you change Ana Maria? Louro José appears on the bench of Palmirinha

The internet is speculating a possible departure from Louro José do Mais Você, a program in which he has been a companion to Ana Maria Braga for 21 years. This is all because Grandma Palmirinha published a photo next to the blonde on Monday, 20.

"Look who's sharing the kitchen counter with me ... #venovities," she wrote, who runs her cooking show on the paid Fox Life channel. Louro José, who has a Twitter account, took a position on the comments of Internet users: Guys, this is very funny. You are so very curious ... I just say that good things are coming. I'll tell you more soon ".

To complete the anxiety of viewers and fans from all over Brazil, Ana Maria Braga also spoke on her Instagram this Monday. "Life taught me that it is good to share friendships! The important thing is what we feel for each other. Louro José has been with Ana Maria since his time at RecordTV and migrated with her to TV Globo.

Pastor and gospel singer is investigated for hitting her mother-in-law

The Civil Police through the DAM (Women's Service Police Station) of Nova Andradina investigates a case of aggression against an elderly woman, which occurred a few days ago in Nova Casa Verde, a district 56 kilometers from Nova Andradina, in MS.

Despite the fact that the police report was prepared only on that 19th, by a granddaughter of the elderly woman, the video of the alleged aggression went viral and has been circulating on social networks for some time.

In the video it is possible to visualize the disagreement of a woman, who would be a pastor and daughter-in-law of the elderly woman.

The case remains in secret and the police are investigating whether there has been any ill-treatment or abuse through domestic violence.


The missionary and singer, Lucimara Pires, 34, denied late Sunday afternoon (19), that she physically assaulted her 73-year-old mother-in-law. After the release of the article, a video went viral on social media since Saturday night (18), showing the alleged aggression.

Lucimara Pires contacted Jornal da Nova and confirmed that there was an argument on the last 7, but classified it as a “small incident”.

According to her, she was cursed and assaulted by the elderly woman, who even injured her mouth and at the moment when she was defending herself, her husband - who is the elderly woman's son - started filming to show the brothers and family that he was suffering from the attitudes of the mother.