Avoid Flu Christmas Season 2019: Sore throat A headache. Body aches. A persistent cough. We have all had these symptoms and it is easy to immediately attribute them to a common cold. But what if it's a more serious virus, like the flu?

Last year's generalized influenza season was the longest in 10 years, lasting 21 weeks, and infected more than 37 million Americans. Preliminary results estimate that the flu killed 36,400 and 61,200 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It also resulted in nearly 650,000 hospitalizations. Think about these tips on how to help control the flu season.

Don't wait! Get vaccinated. The flu season continues throughout the winter and well into the spring. Getting a flu shot immediately is a good step toward protecting yourself, your family, and the public. To find a list of nearby influenza vaccine providers, visit the CDC Flu Vaccine Finder. Remember, it will take the body about two weeks after vaccination to develop protection against the flu.

Avoid Flu Christmas Season 2019

It prevents the spread of germs. To help prevent germs from spreading, wash your hands regularly and cover your mouth (with the inside of your elbow, not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. A sneeze expels 100,000 virus particles into the air. These can travel 200 feet.

Feeling symptoms? Take a look.
If you think someone might have a flu, even after getting a flu shot, call a primary care physician, visit a convenient care retail clinic or urgent care clinic, or schedule a virtual visit. . Treatment for any viral disease begins with plenty of rest, fluid, and acetaminophen or aspirin (although aspirin should not be given to children).
People who are very ill or at high risk for severe flu complications may be treated with antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir, commonly known as Tamiflu. A primary care physician can evaluate if your antiviral medication is right.

When you are sick, stay home. Stay home to avoid spreading the infection, even if you suspect it is the flu. Most healthy adults can infect others one day before symptoms appear and up to seven days after they become ill.

Know your level of risk. The flu is of great concern to the very young, the very old, or those with co-existing medical conditions. Here are some examples of at-risk groups and the steps they should consider when they begin to have symptoms:

Pregnant women should contact their obstetrician to report their symptoms.

People with diabetes, particularly those with insulin who have difficult to control glucose levels, should contact their doctor about the first symptoms of influenza.

People with weakened immune systems should alert their doctor about their flu symptoms.

Those experiencing ever-increasing shortness of breath, especially those with chronic asthma or heart failure, need to go to an emergency room for treatment.
The symptoms of a cold are often similar to the flu. Make sure you know what to look for and when it's time to see a doctor or go to an urgent care clinic before you get serious.

Children allergic to cow's milk become smaller and lighter than their peers in adolescence, says study

Initial research of this kind, new research found that children who are allergic to cow's milk reach early adolescence, becoming smaller and weighing less than their peers who also have allergies. peanuts or tree nuts. The findings reiterate some recent research that suggests that young adults with persistent cow's milk allergy may not reach their full growth potential, said scientists who conducted a longitudinal study.

These findings, published online in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, remain unclear how these growth trends eventually influence the potential height of these children when they grow up or how much they weigh when they grow into adults.

Multiple food allergies

"As these children often have multiple food allergies and other conditions, such as asthma, there are likely factors besides simply avoiding cow's milk that may contribute to these findings. These children also tend to restrict food further. of cow's milk, "said Karen A. Robbins, the study's lead author and allergist at the Allergy and Immunology Division of National Children's Hospital.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of EE. 1 in 13 American children have a food allergy to milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts and nuts, and there is no cure for such Allergies, although they can also be life threatening. Eventually, many of those children tend to eliminate one or more major allergens from their diets, he said.