Ancient Acupuncture Healing Therapy China Can Help Losing Weight: It is slowly emerging that acupuncture, ancient Chinese healing therapy can help you lose weight effectively. Read on to find out more
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing therapy. It is said to have incredible benefits for losing weight. In fact, according to a study in the BMJ-British Medical Journal, ear acupuncture can help you lose weight. The researchers say that using five-point continuous acupuncture stimulation may be better at reducing abdominal fat (abdomen swelling) than single-point stimulation. Acupuncture in medicine published this study. The researchers saw a significant reduction in body fat, weight, and waist circumference in the participants.
Experts say that acupuncture helps you lose weight by stimulating digestion and eliminating excess water in the body. It also improves overall well-being. Acupuncture removes toxins from the body, as well as triggers the release of endorphins and improves metabolism.
Ancient Acupuncture Healing Therapy China
The main purpose of acupuncture is to heal the energy channels in the body. The Chinese believe that when these channels are blocked and energy cannot flow normally, they will accumulate toxins that can affect the body and mind. The exact mechanism of acupuncture is unknown, but insertion of acupuncture needles release endorphins which have a calming and relaxing effect that facilitates stress, frustration, and anxiety management. ; triggering overeating and fattening up the food whim.
Weight loss
Several studies show that acupuncture can help you lose weight. A meta-analysis of these studies published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2003 suggested that further research is needed as these studies tend to be descriptive in nature and last less than 12 weeks. However, there are numerous anecdotal reports from people who were helped to lose weight and kept it away from including acupuncture as part of their weight loss program.
Acupuncture is known for its ability to relieve pain in all areas of the body, including internal. The specific points of the skin are connected to particular organs and tissues at the depths of the body. By placing the needles in these areas, blood flow and energy will be directed to the painful inner area.
digestive problems
One of the ways that this can address weight issues is by promoting digestion. Problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) cannot be easily diagnosed with Western medicine, but acupuncture has helped, reducing symptoms and curing the disease. Acupuncture is thought to alter the digestive system to facilitate digestion and absorption.
One common factor behind weight gain is depression. Some people overeat when they are sad. Depression has its roots in negative energy, which can be easily addressed through acupuncture. It is sometimes called "spiritual detox" because it releases the negative energy from the body.
Let's take a look at some of the side effects of this therapy as well.
It can cause injury
This is a highly specialized skill. If the person you see is not a professional and you are not careful, you can insert the needles in the wrong places, which could cause infection or other health problems. Be sure to receive acupuncture therapy from a licensed professional only.
Acupuncture needles can sometimes become contaminated if not properly sterilized. Find a licensed, reputable clinic to avoid this problem.
Falling blood pressure
Some patients experience a sudden drop in blood pressure or a sudden feeling of weakness during an acupuncture session. Although the mechanism is still under investigation, the theory is that acupuncture triggers the release of chemicals in the brain which in turn cushion the response of the cardiovascular system. Hypertension can accompany obesity. An experienced acupuncture will know how to deal with any change in blood pressure.