6 skills you must master if you want to get a job with a high salary - 6 important high job salary jobs skills list 2021 - The labour market in Spain has been recovering little by little in the last year to reach prepandemic levels, with fixed salaries that have been maintained in new hires, although variable salaries have fallen and the clauses and incentives that are charged on average in 3 or 4 years have been enhanced.
The coronavirus has influenced the landscape, and the jobs of the future will especially value certain knowledge and skills, so people who possess or acquire them will be better placed for the jobs of tomorrow.
6 important high job salary jobs skills list 2021
In addition, there are also certain features that help not only find employment, but get a job with a high salary, as collected Ladders, website specializing in high-wage careers:
The highest salaries, of course, are often found in the highest positions, and that is where skills such as staff management and leadership are required.
Among the jobs with better salaries in Spain are some of the managers that requires this ability to lead other people, such as financial management, construction management, human resources directorate, secretary general and ceo, at the front of the ranking of the jobs better paid, with a salary of more than 60.300 euros per year.
The same situation occurs in other countries such as the United States, where the bureau of employment statistics places top executives among the highest paid jobs, with a salary of more than 185,000 dollars (about 153,000 euros).
In addition, PageGroup's 2021 Remuneration study shows that managerial profiles have not been affected in their salary by the crisis, unlike younger professionals.
Finally, the European Commission points to leadership as one of the skills that will be essential in a POSTCOVID-19 world, making it key to the jobs of the future.
6 important high job salary jobs skills list 2021
Trabajos entregados con el mejor precio y máxima calidad: Servicios Pintores Barcelona
Communication skills
It may seem like a minor skill, but knowing how to communicate is one of the keys that have led to success to outstanding professionals such as Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
"That $ 100 course gave me the most important certificate I have," Warren Buffet, president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the world's largest investors, once bragged about a public speaking degree he earned.
"Communication is one of the so-called soft skills that entrepreneurs tell us are essential for career advancement. During my own business career, I have often found that people who took leadership positions in even the most technical functional areas were the most effective communicators, " explains Carl Zangerl, director of communication and human resource management programs at Northeastern University's College of Professional Studies.
3rd top 6 important high job salary jobs skills list 2021
"We have seen the importance of creativity and innovation during the coronavirus pandemic. Companies that have been able to devise ways to deliver services online or to rapidly change their production have served as models for many. In a post-coronavirus world, human creativity will be essential," says the European Commission, which points to it as one of the key skills.
Creativity, innovation, inventiveness, ingenuity and the ability to take advantage of resources and find new ways to do something are characteristics that can propel you on the road to getting a job with a high salary.
These are highly valued skills that make the difference between professionals and others and are essential in many of the highest paid jobs, such as management, engineering and technology.
6 important high job salary jobs skills list 2021
The ability to handle complexity, ambiguity and changing environments are also especially valued in the labor market, and one of the soft skills that are not abundant in the market, according to a McKinsey report.
With another name but the same concept, the European Commission points to adaptability as another of the key skills for Postcovid work.
"Confinement has caused many unexpected changes in our lives. The way they work will certainly change and workers who can adapt quickly to changes will be of great value to their employers," he says.
"Adaptability is not only about accepting changes in work tasks, but also about constantly learning new skills and updating old ones to remain relevant in the labor market," the agency points out.
Data coding and analysis
The technology sector is positioning itself in recent years as one of the keys in Spain, with 4 of the 10 jobs with the best salaries offered corresponding to ICT (information and communication technologies), according to the latest report by InfoJobs.
That's why learning code and data analysis is considered one of the skills that can make you a lot of money.
"People with knowledge in the field of digital marketing, web development, web design, and coding can be of great value to help businesses stay afloat in difficult times," says the European Commission, which also provides that "people with knowledge of data will be more valuable than ever for employers to", because they make companies aware of the trends and respond to unexpected situations.
60% of recruiters consider that candidates do not have the skills to adopt critical thinking and solve problems, which has become one of the most demanded competencies by companies.
The ability to solve problems is especially useful for companies and also encompasses several of the above, such as analysis, adaptability and creativity. This is related to critical thinking and the ability to objectively evaluate information from different sources, something that "will be in high demand" in the future, according to the Commission.
# 6 important high job salary jobs skills list 2021 #
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