The 5G auction has a date: this will change your life with the arrival of new technology - 5G new technology auction date arrival revealed - Precisely, the key to what 5G will mean for an ordinary citizen is based on these characteristics of the network. Javier Matanza, professor of Digital Communications at Comillas ICAI, explains in an interview that 5G introduces several dimensions of improvement.

On the one hand, he points out, there is the high transmission speed both up and down, but this is not the only feature. There is also the"ultra low latency". This term refers to the speed of response from one point to another in the network.

To these two points, the expert adds that 5G will be important because it includes the massive connection between machines, something that is essential for the internet of things (IoT).

5G new technology auction date arrival revealed

The Ministry of Economy has just published the bases of the auction of the 700 MHz band frequency necessary for operators to offer the services of the new 5G technology. The auction was scheduled for the beginning of last year, but the arrival of the pandemic delayed the plans.

Now, the conditions establish that the minimum starting price will be 995.5 million euros, which means a reduction of 15% compared to the 1,170 million euros previously announced. Changes that have taken place from the initial proposal to the final terms, following the companies ' allegations in the public consultation, also include an increase in the concession period from 20 to 40 years.

This auction adds to the auctions of other frequencies such as the 3.5 Gigahertz (GHz) band that complete the package necessary for the deployment of this technology. The difference between the frequencies is based on the possibilities of coverage, speed and distance that each allows.

5G new technology auction date arrival revealed

Although 5G is not yet deployed for mass use, there are several pilots that have already been launched in Spain to test in limited environments how these new networks would work. Within the National 5G Plan, the Government through it has been launching different calls for 5G use cases in different communities.

There are applications aimed, for example, at the manufacture of ships such as the case developed by Telefónica with Navantia. There are also projects to use the 5G in drones for the rescue of people as another of the use cases that Vodafone is carrying out in Andalusia.

5G new technology auction date arrival revealed: The applications of 5G apply to a multiplicity of fields, from agriculture to health through topics such as trade or smart cities. Although for the moment, we will still have to wait until the generalization of the use of this technology.

Some operators are already offering the possibility of contracting rates with this type of connection, however for the moment it is limited to large cities and still does not have 100% of the characteristics of this innovation, since it must be supported in part by the previous technology.

5G new technology auction date arrival revealed

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More news:

Spain loses 90,000 companies since the coronavirus pandemic began: single-worker microenterprises are being most affected

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the Spanish economy hard. Although 80 per cent of the jobs destroyed had recovered, the negative effects of the health crisis on the labour market were still being felt: 3.9 million people were unemployed.

The destruction of companies and the damage to the productive fabric over the last 15 months is a fact. According to the latest affiliation data published by the Social Security, Spain currently has 89,351 fewer companies than in February 2020, the last month before the coronavirus infections were unleashed and the first state of alarm was decreed.

In February 2020 there were 1,481 million companies in Spain, while at the end of May 2020 there are 1,392 million, although these data do not include companies under the special Sea and Coal regimes.

SMEs are being the hardest hit in this crisis. Of the nearly 90,000 closed companies, 52,344 were microenterprises, i.e. with only one employee; 20,639 had between 2 and 5 employees; 15,219 had between 6 and 50 contracted workers.

These companies have been eligible for aid to cope with the restrictions, but the first payments of direct aid approved by the Government will not be made until this June 2021. In total, 7,000 million euros will be allocated to try to save SMEs.

35% of Spanish companies have only one worker, and 39% have between 2 and 5 workers. This characteristic means that the productive fabric suffers more in the face of a crisis, especially considering that the pandemic caused a sharp decline in sales and turnover in the hardest months of last year.

Despite the poor economic situation, it must be clarified that larger companies are coping with the crisis more easily. Since March 2020, 689 companies of between 51 and 100 workers have closed, while 518 companies of between 101 and 500 employees have had to lower the blind.

It is noteworthy that companies with more than 500 workers have grown throughout the crisis. In May 2021 there are 58 more companies than in February 2020.

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