These skills (much sought after) to highlight on your CV - 5 highlightable skills sought CVs!

LinkedIn's online training service has just released a study identifying the 15 skills most sought after by companies in France, but also around the world. Something to help you write your CV!

Are you looking for a job and are you writing your CV? This study by LinkedIn Learning, which offers online training, should interest you! From data collected on the professional social network (660 million users and 20 million job vacancies), LinkedIn Learning has identified the 15 skills most sought after by companies in 2020, in France and worldwide. This ranking was established based on the skills appearing on the profiles of members who have the highest recruitment rates.

5 highlightable skills sought CVs

In France, companies first look for technical skills (also called "hard skills"). Ten are particularly scrutinized by recruiters. And surprise, the first of them is none other than ... knowledge and mastery of the blockchain. This skill also makes a dramatic entry in the ranking, since it was not there last year. And “the few professionals who have this skill are in high demand,” said LinkedIn Learning in its report. Next is video production, an increasingly important need for businesses. Thus, according to a study carried out by Cisco, videos will represent ... 82% of global Internet traffic in 2022!

But companies are no longer just looking for know-how. Recruiters are now paying more and more attention to the “know-how” of candidates. The 5 behavioral skills (also called "soft skills") most popular with French companies are team spirit, time management, persuasion, writing and creativity.

And if you are looking to work internationally, here are the 10 technical skills most sought after by companies worldwide in 2020.

As in France, mastering the blockchain comes out on top. Then there is “cloud computing” because “companies are looking for talent capable of managing the technical architecture, design and deployment of cloud-based systems like Microsoft Azure”, explains LinkedIn Learning. Indeed, from now on, companies' infrastructures are hosted and executed in their entirety on servers located remotely (the “cloud”). In third position is analytical reasoning: talents who know how to interpret data and extract relevant information for business decision-making are increasingly sought after.

Note also that "affiliate marketing" entered the ranking, in seventh place. Rather than using traditional advertising campaigns, affiliate marketing involves working with influencers on social media to promote a brand. A skill logically more and more sought after, in view of the rise of social networks.

Finally, to refine your CV to send internationally, here are the 5 behavioral skills that global companies prefer in 2020.

Here are 5 new professions (highly sought after) that combine legal and digital skills

In business, lawyers increasingly need strong digital skills. Which leads to the emergence of new professions. For Capital, Philippe Wagner, co-founder of the legal platform Captain Contrat, listed five.

RGPD. Four letters for an acronym denoting the general data protection regulation, new European legislation which entered into force a little less than a year ago. For companies, this includes many obligations in terms of “data” management. With the advent of digital, a whole body of legislation is indeed beginning to emerge to better control the data produced, but also to improve usage. The result, in particular, is the emergence of new corporate legal professions, which bridge the gap between law and digital.

For Capital, Philippe Wagner, co-founder of the Captain Contrat legal platform, has listed five new professions that combine legal knowledge and digital skills. Because of their recent emergence, these new jobs do not necessarily correspond to a specific diploma, but most require in any case a solid training in law, which can be supplemented by certifications, continuous training, or even apprenticeship in autodidact. In any case, all of these professions have in common that they are now highly sought after by companies.

Legal developer: the geek of the penal code

It can have its place in “legal tech”, those companies that innovate in the legal sector. The developer lawyer, as the name suggests, combines both legal and IT skills. "His job is to design digital tools capable of generating legal documents", sums up Philippe Wagner, the co-founder of Captain Contrat. The lawyer-developer must therefore be able to design algorithms "allowing to give such or such solution according to a certain number of criteria and given data". On a daily basis, it analyzes the needs of users, designs the computer programs already mentioned, ensures their maintenance ... For the moment, there is not yet a “lawyer developer” diploma: according to Philippe Wagner, the best is to follow a master's degree in law, while training in self-taught coding. "For a junior, the annual salary can approach 40,000 euros gross," said the co-founder of Captain Contrat.

Legal design lawyer: popularize the law (with style)

It could also be summed up by “popular lawyer”, explains Philippe Wagner. The legal design lawyer is in fact responsible for “making the law more engaging and accessible”, by combining his expertise in legal, technical and design. It applies to law the precepts of "design thinking", that is to say the idea of ​​"starting from the need of the user to meet it". To do this, he can use different mediums, whether articles, infographics, motion design or ebooks. More and more companies are using its services for, for example; design and simplify legal contracts. To become a lawyer in legal design, there again, there is no specific training: the best is to go through a course in law, with a strong appetite for design. At the start of their careers, they can expect to receive between 36,000 and 38,000 euros gross per year.

Personal data lawyer: the guardian of the corporate “data” temple

In particular, it has emerged since the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) last year, even if it existed before. "He represents the main point of contact for the company with regard to the management of data protection", explains Philippe Wagner. Depending on the size of the company, the GDPR requires in particular the presence of a data-processing and freedoms correspondent (CIL), for the small ones, and of a data protection officer (DPO) for the big ones. Their main mission is to “educate and train companies on the regulations in force”. On a daily basis, they must therefore implement internal actions on the subject, improve procedures, ensure the negotiation of the personal data aspects of contracts concluded with partners, carry out audits, or even ensure technological and legal monitoring. "Again, legal training is recommended, but dedicated training already exists, such as the Bureau Veritas certification or the DU from Panthéon-Assas University in Paris," added the co-founder of Captain Contrat. The salary generally starts around 40,000 euros gross per year and “can go up very quickly because of the important responsibilities that the job involves.”

Compliance lawyer: with him, corruption has to be done!

He can handle personal data matters, but not only. The compliance lawyer is responsible for "compliance in the broad sense, respecting procedures in highly regulated environments such as the world of finance or industry for example," said Philippe Wagner. The profession has taken off since the Sapin 2 law, in force since the end of 2016, which notably includes new obligations for companies, in particular the detection and prevention of corruption risks, but also internal whistleblower procedures. On a daily basis, the compliance lawyer must implement the ethical rules internally, ensure the compliance of the company with the regulations, fight against fraud, money laundering, corruption, or even train staff to understand these issues. . “To become a compliance lawyer, training in law is necessary, which can be supplemented by certification, such as those offered by Dalloz, Francis Lefebvre, or the universities of Dauphine and Panthéon-Assas in Paris. “For a junior, salaries start on average at 40,000 euros gross per year,” reports Philippe Wagner.

Lawyer in contract management: the Shiva of the contract

"It is somewhat the ancestor of the four legal professions already mentioned, even if it too remains fairly recent," summarizes the co-founder of Captain Contrat. The role of the contract manager is to "control the life cycle of a contract, from conception to completion". He must therefore “anticipate the risks”. Its mission is precisely to secure and optimize contracts in all phases of their existence: drafting and adapting contract models, but also detecting opportunities to optimize the performance of a contract. The contract management lawyer must also be comfortable with digital technology since he often has to use software used to identify all of the company's contracts. To apply for this type of job, better have solid training in contract law. "Rather, these are positions that are found in large groups. They are starting to impose themselves here, even if the profession is much more developed in the United States, "said Philippe Wagner. Entrance salary? 36,000 euros gross per year on average.