2300 senior managers survey reveals leadership key companies - The keys to leadership in companies for the post-pandemic world, according to a survey of more than 2,300 senior managers.

The pandemic has posed many challenges to the business fabric that companies have been solving with force, learning to adapt to the new needs of the market and its employees.

The change of landscape forced by the crisis has forced us to take a new direction, and a study by Antonio Núñez, senior partner at Parangon Partners, and José Ramón Pin, professor at IESE Business School, analyzes what measures should be taken by new leaders to guide their companies in this time of storm.

The study has had the participation of more than 2,300 senior managers from companies ranging from multinationals to startups. CEOs, corporate directors and participating managers have responded to questions such as the advantages and disadvantages of teleworking, changes in relationships within the organization or the best way to assess the performance of workers.

2300 senior managers survey reveals leadership key companies

In general, the surveys have confirmed new realities within companies, such as that communication plans have been established to transmit the company's values despite social distancing, or that business plans have changed as a result of new ways of working.

Given this new scenario, the study detects a trend towards a hybrid model of face-to-face and remote work for several days a week in 62% of companies.

It also details that conducting employee surveys has been the most used tool to contrast the different aspects involved in the implementation of new ways of working.

The analysis of Núñez and Pin concludes, therefore, that in the coming years we will be able to observe structural changes derived from these new procedures adopted, such as the greater need to protect human capital and focus on the results "instead of the time spent to achieve it".

2300 senior managers survey reveals leadership key companies

To be a leader able to manage teams under this new style of management based on objectives and distance, managers will have to develop new forms of communication and different emotional sensitivities, explains the study.

To do this, the key offered is to find a dynamic balance between control and empowerment, along with communication. "Empowerment is the key because it is impossible to do remote micromanagement," the study's recommendations describe.

Another important challenge of remote leadership, says the study, is "to achieve the commitment of people with the project and strengthen the sense of belonging to the company", but without overwhelming employees.

"It is not a good idea to compensate for the lack of closeness with an excessive number of virtual meetings, or to hold meetings with too many participants [...] and with meetings that last long periods of time," the analysis says.

2300 senior managers survey reveals leadership key companies

To find this balance, it is proposed to articulate a good communication plan that reinforces the image of the company that is attractive without collapsing agendas, establishing a calendar for this communication.

Another fundamental factor that is taken into account as part of the leadership proposal of Núñez and Pin is the negative bias on the quality of work that can occur due to distance.

2300 senior managers survey reveals leadership key companies

"With the remote team it can happen that, if something does not work, the perception of the negative is amplified, and that also the remote team is not well involved in the diagnosis of the problem", it is observed, adding that "the sum of these elements generates a greater emotional distance and a loss of confidence".

Despite the difficulty of the company to undertake by team leaders to face all these changes and new challenges, Núñez and Pin are clear: "A leader with the ability to integrate your team and align the company with your market is a jewel".

For this reason, despite recognizing that these are times of difficulty and opportunities, they assure that "the pressure of the coming years will cause many companies to emerge with the appearance of diamonds".

2300 senior managers survey reveals leadership key companies

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Andorran fortunes and narcos in the Campo de Gibraltar: Hacienda tightens the tax fence with the use of big data

The Treasury has spent months investigating large tax evaders living abroad, drug traffickers and money laundering organizations through the use of big data.

As reported by the Tax Agency in a statement, it has currently investigated in 2020 to 126 large fortunes that pretend to live abroad, through the massive crossing of data from 70 sources of information, according to El País.

The department headed by Minister María Jesús Montero has not specified which are the countries in which these 126 great fortunes claim to live, although in this way the Treasury could overthrow the plan of the less careful youtubers with their march to Andorra. For the Tax Agency to consider that someone resides abroad, this person must remain in the declared country for at least 183 days.

Last year, the Treasury managed to collect 437 million "large assets and non-resident individuals", approximately one third of the debt it had managed to settle in 2019.

The Tax Agency blames it" to the difficulties derived from the health situation " produced by the coronavirus and highlights that it represents 25% more than in 2018. Since the creation of the Coordination Unit of the Control of Relevant Assets, 3 years ago, the Treasury has liquidated 1,400 million euros in a total of 2,100 files.

With the use of big data, announced last February, Hacienda hopes to grow those figures. The department led by Montero has since used big data for other matters.

Specifically, in the fight against drug trafficking and money laundering in the Campo de Gibraltar, the Treasury announced half a year ago that it would promote" the implementation of advanced technologies " based on big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and data mining for patrimonial analysis, black money laundering or smuggling.

In the digital field, Hacienda has focused on 7,700 individuals and, mainly, companies in the electronic commerce sector that operate from abroad but are subject to taxation in Spain. It has registered them and has managed to regularize some EUR 400 million in VAT.

It has also regularized another 180 million to large technology companies and expects this figure to rise to 800 million in the coming years, depending on the regularization of the tax bases.

Finally, in 2020, HACIENDA has managed to regularize more than 3,076 million euros from large multinational companies and groups for their international activity.

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