2019 rate return Carac supports euros funds: In a context of great concern linked to low or even negative bond rates, the mutual confirms its primary objective: to protect interest ...

In a context of great concern linked to low or even negative bond rates, the mutual insurance company confirms its primary objective: to protect the interests of its members over time by focusing on rigorous financial management.

After the launch in November 2019 of its 10-year strategic plan, Carac announces the 2019 rates of return of the funds in euros of its life insurance contracts.
In 2018, Carac's equity exceeded one billion euros. In 2019, the quality of the investments made by Carac once again enabled the mutual to offer excellent rates without drawing on its reserves.

2019 rate return Carac supports euros funds

Diversifying your savings: a choice that Carac wishes to encourage

In 2019, as in previous years, the economic and political situation did not allow a rise in government borrowing rates. In this context, in order to hope to reach performance levels higher than those of a euro fund, it has become necessary for any saver to diversify his investments.
In 2019, Carac thus expanded the investment offer of its Carac Profiléo multi-support life insurance contract by adding three new unit-linked supports. To support its members towards this diversification, Carac has also chosen to support the Security support denominated in euros of Carac Profiléo. For this medium, it announces a rate of return net of fees on managed savings of 2.20% (excluding social and tax deductions).

Carac Profiléo is a multi-support life insurance contract marketed by Carac since 2009. It provides access to a diversified investment offer ranging from support in euros to supports in equity account units via real estate support. At least 25% of the savings invested in this contract must be distributed on units of account units.

To support the marketing of this contract, Carac is launching a major promotional operation in the first quarter of 2020:
-From January 2 to May 15, 2020, Carac offers payment fees for any membership in Carac Profiléo, or for any additional payment on a current Carac Profiléo contract.
-For any membership in Carac Profiléo by a new Carac member, Carac pays a contribution on the newly subscribed contract worth 100 euros.
-For any sponsorship of a new member subscribing to Carac Profiléo, the new member benefits from a matching contribution of 100 euros and the sponsor of a multi-brand gift voucher worth 100 euros.

For single-support contracts in euros, a single objective: to protect the interests of members over time
The rates of single-support contracts in euros are slightly down compared to 2018 (minus 0.20 point). Carac offers for 2019 a return of 1.80% net of fees on managed savings, excluding social and tax deductions for the funds in euros of its life insurance contracts and 1.90% for its solidarity life insurance guarantee Entraid'Épargne Carac.

A new association benefiting from donations under Carac solidarity contracts

A player in solidarity savings for more than 15 years, Carac continues its commitment to its partner associations by allocating an attractive rate of return to its solidarity savings guarantee. With Entraid'Épargne Carac, members devote 1% of their payments to one of the six partner associations: APF France Handicap, Arc-En-Ciel, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, L'Œuvre des Pupilles and Mutual Aid Fund Firefighters of France, Solidarités Nouvelles facing unemployment and Unapei.
In fact, since 2019, members of Carac's solidarity contracts can now choose Unapei. Main French associative movement, Unapei brings together 550 associations, led by volunteers, parents and friends of people with disabilities who, for 60 years, have worked with and for people with intellectual disabilities, autistic, multi-disabled and people with disabilities psychic.

UFF: agenda to follow

February 27, 2020 (after market close): 2019 annual results
Week of May 11, 2020: GNP for the 1st quarter of 2020
May 26, 2020: General Assembly 2020
July 30, 2020 (after market close): 1st semester 2020 results
Week of November 9, 2020: GNP to September 30, 2020.