110000 companies risk disappearing containment measures are removed, according to administrative managers - The Covid-19 crisis has already led more than 175,000 businesses that have been forced to close since the pandemic began, although another 110,000 companies are at risk of disappearing if containment measures are eliminated, such as different moratoriums or temporary employment regulation (ERTE) files.

These are some of the dramatic figures of the barometer for the month of June developed and published this Tuesday by the administrative managers, which reflects the economic toll of the crisis since the start of the pandemic in march of last year, and involvement that can cause the function of the deployment and withdrawal of the measures.

Currently there are about 150,000 companies that keep some workers in ERTE and of these, the barometer indicates that 95,000 will not recover all their staff. The president of the administrative managers, Fernando Santiago, has denounced that 16 months after the decree of the first state of alarm most of the companies still do not receive direct aid and warns that “they will not be enough table of salvation for many of them”.

According to the barometer, 8.2% of SMEs will lay off staff in the coming months, but 12.5% of businesses will hire staff in the coming months. Santiago is confident that there will be more hiring than layoffs in the face of the possible “very complicated” autumn and winter between self-employed workers in cessation of activity, staff in ERTE and the disappearance of businesses derived from the end of measures.

In this sense, it insists that in addition to having the corrective measures approved by the Government, they must begin to establish mechanisms that help businesses not to collapse when they lack these measures and can guarantee their solvency after the end of the measures in force.

110000 companies risk disappearing containment measures

The president of the administrative managers points out that there are thousands of shell companies that rely on the bankruptcy moratorium or rent moratoriums, on the ERTE themselves that, when these facilities disappear “they will not be able to meet their commitments”.

In their previous barometer, the administrative managers indicated that the real symptoms of recovery would not begin to be perceived until 2023, despite the fact that the Government indicates that”the signs are more optimistic than expected and that recovery is very close".

110000 companies risk disappearing containment measures: In the opinion of the managers, the rate of vaccination, the summer campaign, or the reduction of workers in ERTE induces us to believe that it is “the right way”, but considered that “there have been established the necessary arrangements” to remove the “breathing” which involve the FATE, moratoriums, and others, which “raises the fear that things are still not in the good way.”

To all this is added the “damage” that administrative managers warn that it does in the confidence of small and medium investors announcements such as a possible new increase in the Interprofessional Minimum Wage, the labor counter-reform or an eventual increase in taxes. According to the barometer, 65% of managers believe that a rise in the SMI will mean layoffs, compared to 28% who do not believe it.

110000 companies risk disappearing containment measures

Likewise, 36% of administrative managers consider that businesses have not sued the State for the prohibition to work that was the first state of alarm to avoid retaliation. According to Santiago,”there are numerous platforms that were created to manage class actions that have transferred the ‘fear’ effect on entrepreneurs the possibility of being flooded with different inspections, which has limited them when it comes to suing."

Thus, 60% of administrative managers, as reflected in the barometer, indicate that it is necessary to create a new organization that defends the interests of SMEs, compared to 18% who consider that it is not necessary and 5% who understand that the existing ones do it well.

110000 companies risk disappearing containment measures

70% of managers believe that these organizations should be financed with the fees of their partners, 52% believe that they should do so with the sale of services and products to SMEs and less than 40% believe that they should be financed with grants. ” We must seriously consider having a business organization that defends, independently, the interests of SMEs that, in general, do not have to coincide with those of large companies, " Santiago added.

110000 companies risk disappearing containment measures

Traumatologia, Traumatologo, Ortopedia, Ortopedista, Ortopedicos en: TRAUMATOLOGIA BARCELONA

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Entrepreneurship in the midst of a pandemic is possible: this young Spaniard, who has already had Telefónica or Santander as clients, is about to launch a startup scouting platform and an insurtech

The world of startups continues to grow. In 6 months, investment in Spanish startups has already doubled that of 2020. An example of this dynamic is the path of the entrepreneur Javier Martín.

The founder of Fudeat or Aluxion, is about to launch his new platform, Scoutflow, which will help investors know which startups or sectors to invest in, thanks to the power of big data. Its website is now available, although it will start operating for the general public at the end of the month.

The project, which started at the beginning of the year and is in beta phase for two months, has already channeled about 80,000 euros and works as a venture building with Aluxion, according to Martin in a telephone interview.

"We are several partners. We have made an initial investment for technology development costs, with industry partners covering approximately 40% of the investment, " he explains.

Scoutflow will be the first platform of its kind in Spanish and will cost 200 euros per month. Its service will be based on the monthly sending of two reports on a specific sector, with the assessment of an expert who will give his vision on what is happening in that sector, the analysis of 4 startups, as well as the trends that arise.

The platform, focused "on funds and large corporations", explains Martín, will have a catalog of more than 30 sectors. The client can adapt them to their needs and add or remove others according to their needs. The information of the startups will be based on investment data, turnover, metrics and analytics with graphs.

While waiting for Scoutflow to take off, Javier Martín (1992) continues to develop Aluxion Labs, his digital projects company, which has clients such as Telefónica, Banco Santander, Amadeus or the insurance company Asisa.

Precisely, the digitalization of the insurance company in recent years has led him to start another project, an insurtech called Insurfy, which will be released at the end of the year, according to his forecasts.

"It sounds cliché, but we want to digitize all processes in the insurance industry. Insurance companies have processes of yesteryear, not very agile, but today, with technologies such as artificial intelligence or blockchain we can decentralize everything. We will facilitate the issuance of any insurance to third parties that do not have a license for insurance," he says.

Martín points out that the latter will be a "very complex" project and with a strong investment behind it. "Insurers have technologies for claims, policies, premium management, anti-fraud; different points or modules that we want to develop with exponential or new technologies," he says.

According to him, he will have a lot of work to do, since "insurance companies are a sector for which it is difficult to adapt, because they are very closed". "They don't want to open their business, which is normal, but there are technologies that already allow it," he says.

The system that Insurfy will use will be based on the digitalization of all processes, "with broad and closely followed traceability curves". "It will allow, for example, to interconnect a small insurer and offer the product to all digital customers through marketers. It's a way of democratizing the system," he says.

Martín, who believes that this decade the insurtech sector will experience a revolution similar to the one that the fintech sector had before, became a mentor of Telefónica's Talentum program at the age of 20.

In 2013 he founded his first company, Aluxion, and then did the same with Fudeat, a catering marketplace where he sold his stake some time ago. He has also launched the Cooltur app, to evaluate co-workers, among other projects.

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